const EE = require('events') const path = require('path') const fs = require('graceful-fs') const log = require('./log-shim') const withChownSync = require('./with-chown-sync.js') const _timeListener = Symbol('timeListener') const _timeEndListener = Symbol('timeEndListener') const _init = Symbol('init') // This is an event emiiter but on/off // only listen on a single internal event that gets // emitted whenever a timer ends class Timers extends EE { #unfinished = new Map() #finished = {} #onTimeEnd = Symbol('onTimeEnd') #dir = null #initialListener = null #initialTimer = null constructor ({ listener = null, start = 'npm' } = {}) { super() this.#initialListener = listener this.#initialTimer = start this[_init]() } get unfinished () { return this.#unfinished } get finished () { return this.#finished } [_init] () { this.on() if (this.#initialListener) { this.on(this.#initialListener) } process.emit('time', this.#initialTimer) this.started = this.#unfinished.get(this.#initialTimer) } on (listener) { if (listener) { super.on(this.#onTimeEnd, listener) } else { process.on('time', this[_timeListener]) process.on('timeEnd', this[_timeEndListener]) } } off (listener) { if (listener) {, listener) } else { this.removeAllListeners(this.#onTimeEnd)'time', this[_timeListener])'timeEnd', this[_timeEndListener]) } } load ({ dir }) { this.#dir = dir } writeFile (fileData) { try { const globalStart = this.started const globalEnd = this.#finished.npm || const content = { ...fileData, ...this.#finished, // add any unfinished timers with their relative start/end unfinished: [...this.#unfinished.entries()].reduce((acc, [name, start]) => { acc[name] = [start - globalStart, globalEnd - globalStart] return acc }, {}), } withChownSync( path.resolve(this.#dir, '_timing.json'), (f) => // we append line delimited json to this file...forever // XXX: should we also write a process specific timing file? // with similar rules to the debug log (max files, etc) fs.appendFileSync(f, JSON.stringify(content) + '\n') ) } catch (e) { log.warn('timing', 'could not write timing file', e) } } [_timeListener] = (name) => { this.#unfinished.set(name, } [_timeEndListener] = (name) => { if (this.#unfinished.has(name)) { const ms = - this.#unfinished.get(name) this.#finished[name] = ms this.#unfinished.delete(name) this.emit(this.#onTimeEnd, name, ms) } else { log.silly('timing', "Tried to end timer that doesn't exist:", name) } } } module.exports = Timers