// dedupe duplicated packages, or find them in the tree const Arborist = require('@npmcli/arborist') const reifyFinish = require('../utils/reify-finish.js') const log = require('../utils/log-shim.js') const ArboristWorkspaceCmd = require('../arborist-cmd.js') class Dedupe extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { static description = 'Reduce duplication in the package tree' static name = 'dedupe' static params = [ 'global-style', 'legacy-bundling', 'strict-peer-deps', 'package-lock', 'save', 'omit', 'ignore-scripts', 'audit', 'bin-links', 'fund', 'dry-run', ...super.params, ] async exec (args) { if (this.npm.config.get('global')) { const er = new Error('`npm dedupe` does not work in global mode.') er.code = 'EDEDUPEGLOBAL' throw er } // In the context of `npm dedupe` the save // config value should default to `false` const save = this.npm.config.isDefault('save') ? false : this.npm.config.get('save') const dryRun = this.npm.config.get('dry-run') const where = this.npm.prefix const opts = { ...this.npm.flatOptions, log, path: where, dryRun, save, workspaces: this.workspaceNames, } const arb = new Arborist(opts) await arb.dedupe(opts) await reifyFinish(this.npm, arb) } } module.exports = Dedupe