const { resolve } = require('path') const mapWorkspaces = require('@npmcli/map-workspaces') const minimatch = require('minimatch') const rpj = require('read-package-json-fast') // Returns an Map of paths to workspaces indexed by workspace name // { foo => '/path/to/foo' } const getWorkspaces = async (filters, { path, includeWorkspaceRoot, relativeFrom }) => { // TODO we need a better error to be bubbled up here if this rpj call fails const pkg = await rpj(resolve(path, 'package.json')) const workspaces = await mapWorkspaces({ cwd: path, pkg }) let res = new Map() if (includeWorkspaceRoot) { res.set(, path) } if (!filters.length) { res = new Map([...res, ...workspaces]) } for (const filterArg of filters) { for (const [workspaceName, workspacePath] of workspaces.entries()) { if (filterArg === workspaceName || resolve(relativeFrom || path, filterArg) === workspacePath || minimatch(workspacePath, `${resolve(relativeFrom || path, filterArg)}/*`)) { res.set(workspaceName, workspacePath) } } } if (!res.size) { let msg = '!' if (filters.length) { msg = `:\n ${filters.reduce( (res, filterArg) => `${res} --workspace=${filterArg}`, '')}` } throw new Error(`No workspaces found${msg}`) } return res } module.exports = getWorkspaces