--- title: npm-install-ci-test section: 1 description: Install a project with a clean slate and run tests --- ### Synopsis ```bash npm install-ci-test alias: npm cit ``` ### Description This command runs `npm ci` followed immediately by `npm test`. ### Configuration #### `audit` * Default: true * Type: Boolean When "true" submit audit reports alongside the current npm command to the default registry and all registries configured for scopes. See the documentation for [`npm audit`](/commands/npm-audit) for details on what is submitted. #### `ignore-scripts` * Default: false * Type: Boolean If true, npm does not run scripts specified in package.json files. Note that commands explicitly intended to run a particular script, such as `npm start`, `npm stop`, `npm restart`, `npm test`, and `npm run-script` will still run their intended script if `ignore-scripts` is set, but they will *not* run any pre- or post-scripts. #### `script-shell` * Default: '/bin/sh' on POSIX systems, 'cmd.exe' on Windows * Type: null or String The shell to use for scripts run with the `npm exec`, `npm run` and `npm init ` commands. ### See Also * [npm install-test](/commands/npm-install-test) * [npm ci](/commands/npm-ci) * [npm test](/commands/npm-test)