const pacote = require('pacote') const log = require('../utils/log-shim') const openUrl = require('../utils/open-url.js') const hostedFromMani = require('../utils/hosted-git-info-from-manifest.js') const BaseCommand = require('../base-command.js') class Bugs extends BaseCommand { static description = 'Report bugs for a package in a web browser' static name = 'bugs' static usage = ['[]'] static params = ['browser', 'registry'] async exec (args) { if (!args || !args.length) { args = ['.'] } await Promise.all( => this.getBugs(pkg))) } async getBugs (pkg) { const opts = { ...this.npm.flatOptions, fullMetadata: true } const mani = await pacote.manifest(pkg, opts) const url = this.getBugsUrl(mani) log.silly('bugs', 'url', url) await openUrl(this.npm, url, `${} bug list available at the following URL`) } getBugsUrl (mani) { if (mani.bugs) { if (typeof mani.bugs === 'string') { return mani.bugs } if (typeof mani.bugs === 'object' && mani.bugs.url) { return mani.bugs.url } if (typeof mani.bugs === 'object' && { return `mailto:${}` } } // try to get it from the repo, if possible const info = hostedFromMani(mani) if (info) { return info.bugs() } // just send them to the website, hopefully that has some info! return `${}` } } module.exports = Bugs