// short names for common things const shorthands = { un: 'uninstall', rb: 'rebuild', list: 'ls', ln: 'link', create: 'init', i: 'install', it: 'install-test', cit: 'install-ci-test', up: 'update', c: 'config', s: 'search', se: 'search', tst: 'test', t: 'test', ddp: 'dedupe', v: 'view', run: 'run-script', 'clean-install': 'ci', 'clean-install-test': 'cit', x: 'exec', why: 'explain', } const affordances = { la: 'll', verison: 'version', ic: 'ci', innit: 'init', // manually abbrev so that install-test doesn't make insta stop working in: 'install', ins: 'install', inst: 'install', insta: 'install', instal: 'install', isnt: 'install', isnta: 'install', isntal: 'install', 'install-clean': 'ci', 'isntall-clean': 'ci', hlep: 'help', 'dist-tags': 'dist-tag', upgrade: 'update', udpate: 'update', login: 'adduser', 'add-user': 'adduser', author: 'owner', home: 'docs', issues: 'bugs', info: 'view', show: 'view', find: 'search', add: 'install', unlink: 'uninstall', remove: 'uninstall', rm: 'uninstall', r: 'uninstall', rum: 'run-script', sit: 'cit', urn: 'run-script', ogr: 'org', } // these are filenames in . const cmdList = [ 'ci', 'install-ci-test', 'install', 'install-test', 'uninstall', 'cache', 'config', 'set', 'get', 'update', 'outdated', 'prune', 'pack', 'find-dupes', 'dedupe', 'hook', 'rebuild', 'link', 'publish', 'star', 'stars', 'unstar', 'adduser', 'login', // This is an alias for `adduser` but it can be confusing 'logout', 'unpublish', 'owner', 'access', 'team', 'deprecate', 'shrinkwrap', 'token', 'profile', 'audit', 'fund', 'org', 'help', 'ls', 'll', 'search', 'view', 'init', 'version', 'edit', 'explore', 'docs', 'repo', 'bugs', 'root', 'prefix', 'bin', 'whoami', 'diff', 'dist-tag', 'ping', 'pkg', 'test', 'stop', 'start', 'restart', 'run-script', 'set-script', 'completion', 'doctor', 'exec', 'explain', ] const plumbing = ['birthday', 'help-search'] // these commands just shell out to something else or handle the // error themselves, so it's confusing and weird to write out // our full error log banner when they exit non-zero const shellouts = [ 'exec', 'run-script', 'test', 'start', 'stop', 'restart', 'birthday', ] module.exports = { aliases: Object.assign({}, shorthands, affordances), shorthands, affordances, cmdList, plumbing, shellouts, }