const Minipass = require('minipass') const Pipeline = require('minipass-pipeline') const libSearch = require('libnpmsearch') const log = require('../utils/log-shim.js') const formatPackageStream = require('../search/format-package-stream.js') const packageFilter = require('../search/package-filter.js') function prepareIncludes (args) { return args .map(s => s.toLowerCase()) .filter(s => s) } function prepareExcludes (searchexclude) { var exclude if (typeof searchexclude === 'string') { exclude = searchexclude.split(/\s+/) } else { exclude = [] } return exclude .map(s => s.toLowerCase()) .filter(s => s) } const BaseCommand = require('../base-command.js') class Search extends BaseCommand { static description = 'Search for packages' static name = 'search' static params = [ 'long', 'json', 'color', 'parseable', 'description', 'searchopts', 'searchexclude', 'registry', 'prefer-online', 'prefer-offline', 'offline', ] static usage = ['[search terms ...]'] async exec (args) { const opts = { ...this.npm.flatOptions,, include: prepareIncludes(args), exclude: prepareExcludes(, } if (opts.include.length === 0) { throw new Error('search must be called with arguments') } // Used later to figure out whether we had any packages go out let anyOutput = false class FilterStream extends Minipass { write (pkg) { if (packageFilter(pkg, opts.include, opts.exclude)) { super.write(pkg) } } } const filterStream = new FilterStream() // Grab a configured output stream that will spit out packages in the // desired format. const outputStream = formatPackageStream({ args, // --searchinclude options are not highlighted ...opts, }) log.silly('search', 'searching packages') const p = new Pipeline(, opts), filterStream, outputStream ) p.on('data', chunk => { if (!anyOutput) { anyOutput = true } this.npm.output(chunk.toString('utf8')) }) await p.promise() if (!anyOutput && !this.npm.config.get('json') && !this.npm.config.get('parseable')) { this.npm.output('No matches found for ' + (' '))) } log.silly('search', 'search completed') log.clearProgress() } } module.exports = Search