
109 lines
2.6 KiB

.TH "NPM\-ADDUSER" "1" "February 2022" "" ""
\fBnpm-adduser\fR \- Add a registry user account
.SS Synopsis
.RS 2
npm adduser [\-\-registry=url] [\-\-scope=@orgname] [\-\-auth\-type=legacy]
aliases: login, add\-user
Note: This command is unaware of workspaces\.
.SS Description
Create or verify a user named \fB<username>\fP in the specified registry, and
save the credentials to the \fB\|\.npmrc\fP file\. If no registry is specified,
the default registry will be used (see npm help \fBconfig\fP)\.
The username, password, and email are read in from prompts\.
To reset your password, go to https://www\.npmjs\.com/forgot
To change your email address, go to https://www\.npmjs\.com/email\-edit
You may use this command multiple times with the same user account to
authorize on a new machine\. When authenticating on a new machine,
the username, password and email address must all match with
your existing record\.
\fBnpm login\fP is an alias to \fBadduser\fP and behaves exactly the same way\.
.SS Configuration
<!\-\- automatically generated, do not edit manually \-\->
<!\-\- see lib/utils/config/definitions\.js \-\->
.SS \fBregistry\fP
.RS 0
.IP \(bu 2
Default: "https://registry\.npmjs\.org/"
.IP \(bu 2
Type: URL
The base URL of the npm registry\.
<!\-\- automatically generated, do not edit manually \-\->
<!\-\- see lib/utils/config/definitions\.js \-\->
.SS \fBscope\fP
.RS 0
.IP \(bu 2
Default: the scope of the current project, if any, or ""
.IP \(bu 2
Type: String
Associate an operation with a scope for a scoped registry\.
Useful when logging in to or out of a private registry:
.RS 2
# log in, linking the scope to the custom registry
npm login \-\-scope=@mycorp \-\-registry=https://registry\.mycorp\.com
# log out, removing the link and the auth token
npm logout \-\-scope=@mycorp
This will cause \fB@mycorp\fP to be mapped to the registry for future
installation of packages specified according to the pattern
This will also cause \fBnpm init\fP to create a scoped package\.
.RS 2
# accept all defaults, and create a package named "@foo/whatever",
# instead of just named "whatever"
npm init \-\-scope=@foo \-\-yes
<!\-\- automatically generated, do not edit manually \-\->
<!\-\- see lib/utils/config/definitions\.js \-\->
.SS See Also
.RS 0
.IP \(bu 2
npm help registry
.IP \(bu 2
npm help config
.IP \(bu 2
npm help npmrc
.IP \(bu 2
npm help owner
.IP \(bu 2
npm help whoami
.IP \(bu 2
npm help token
.IP \(bu 2
npm help profile