
186 lines
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.TH "NPM\-TEAM" "1" "February 2022" "" ""
\fBnpm-team\fR \- Manage organization teams and team memberships
.SS Synopsis
.RS 2
npm team create <scope:team>
npm team destroy <scope:team>
npm team add <scope:team> <user>
npm team rm <scope:team> <user>
npm team ls <scope>|<scope:team>
Note: This command is unaware of workspaces\.
.SS Description
Used to manage teams in organizations, and change team memberships\. Does not
handle permissions for packages\.
Teams must always be fully qualified with the organization/scope they belong to
when operating on them, separated by a colon (\fB:\fP)\. That is, if you have a
\fBnewteam\fP team in an \fBorg\fP organization, you must always refer to that team
as \fB@org:newteam\fP in these commands\.
If you have two\-factor authentication enabled in \fBauth\-and\-writes\fP mode, then
you can provide a code from your authenticator with \fB[\-\-otp <otpcode>]\fP\|\.
If you don't include this then you will be prompted\.
.RS 0
.IP \(bu 2
create / destroy:
Create a new team, or destroy an existing one\. Note: You cannot remove the
\fBdevelopers\fP team, <a href="https://docs\.npmjs\.com/about\-developers\-team" target="_blank">learn more\.</a>
Here's how to create a new team \fBnewteam\fP under the \fBorg\fP org:
.RS 2
npm team create @org:newteam
You should see a confirming message such as: \fB+@org:newteam\fP once the new
team has been created\.
.IP \(bu 2
Add a user to an existing team\.
Adding a new user \fBusername\fP to a team named \fBnewteam\fP under the \fBorg\fP org:
.RS 2
npm team add @org:newteam username
On success, you should see a message: \fBusername added to @org:newteam\fP
.IP \(bu 2
Using \fBnpm team rm\fP you can also remove users from a team they belong to\.
Here's an example removing user \fBusername\fP from \fBnewteam\fP team
in \fBorg\fP organization:
.RS 2
npm team rm @org:newteam username
Once the user is removed a confirmation message is displayed:
\fBusername removed from @org:newteam\fP
.IP \(bu 2
If performed on an organization name, will return a list of existing teams
under that organization\. If performed on a team, it will instead return a list
of all users belonging to that particular team\.
Here's an example of how to list all teams from an org named \fBorg\fP:
.RS 2
npm team ls @org
Example listing all members of a team named \fBnewteam\fP:
.RS 2
npm team ls @org:newteam
.SS Details
\fBnpm team\fP always operates directly on the current registry, configurable from
the command line using \fB\-\-registry=<registry url>\fP\|\.
You must be a \fIteam admin\fR to create teams and manage team membership, under
the given organization\. Listing teams and team memberships may be done by
any member of the organization\.
Organization creation and management of team admins and \fIorganization\fR members
is done through the website, not the npm CLI\.
To use teams to manage permissions on packages belonging to your organization,
use the \fBnpm access\fP command to grant or revoke the appropriate permissions\.
.SS Configuration
<!\-\- automatically generated, do not edit manually \-\->
<!\-\- see lib/utils/config/definitions\.js \-\->
.SS \fBregistry\fP
.RS 0
.IP \(bu 2
Default: "https://registry\.npmjs\.org/"
.IP \(bu 2
Type: URL
The base URL of the npm registry\.
<!\-\- automatically generated, do not edit manually \-\->
<!\-\- see lib/utils/config/definitions\.js \-\->
.SS \fBotp\fP
.RS 0
.IP \(bu 2
Default: null
.IP \(bu 2
Type: null or String
This is a one\-time password from a two\-factor authenticator\. It's needed
when publishing or changing package permissions with \fBnpm access\fP\|\.
If not set, and a registry response fails with a challenge for a one\-time
password, npm will prompt on the command line for one\.
<!\-\- automatically generated, do not edit manually \-\->
<!\-\- see lib/utils/config/definitions\.js \-\->
.SS \fBparseable\fP
.RS 0
.IP \(bu 2
Default: false
.IP \(bu 2
Type: Boolean
Output parseable results from commands that write to standard output\. For
\fBnpm search\fP, this will be tab\-separated table format\.
<!\-\- automatically generated, do not edit manually \-\->
<!\-\- see lib/utils/config/definitions\.js \-\->
.SS \fBjson\fP
.RS 0
.IP \(bu 2
Default: false
.IP \(bu 2
Type: Boolean
Whether or not to output JSON data, rather than the normal output\.
.RS 0
.IP \(bu 2
In \fBnpm pkg set\fP it enables parsing set values with JSON\.parse() before
saving them to your \fBpackage\.json\fP\|\.
Not supported by all npm commands\.
<!\-\- automatically generated, do not edit manually \-\->
<!\-\- see lib/utils/config/definitions\.js \-\->
.SS See Also
.RS 0
.IP \(bu 2
npm help access
.IP \(bu 2
npm help config
.IP \(bu 2
npm help registry