
148 lines
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.TH "NPM\-ORG" "1" "February 2022" "" ""
\fBnpm-org\fR \- Manage orgs
.SS Synopsis
.RS 2
npm org set <orgname> <username> [developer | admin | owner]
npm org rm <orgname> <username>
npm org ls <orgname> [<username>]
Note: This command is unaware of workspaces\.
.SS Example
Add a new developer to an org:
.RS 2
$ npm org set my\-org @mx\-smith
Add a new admin to an org (or change a developer to an admin):
.RS 2
$ npm org set my\-org @mx\-santos admin
Remove a user from an org:
.RS 2
$ npm org rm my\-org mx\-santos
List all users in an org:
.RS 2
$ npm org ls my\-org
List all users in JSON format:
.RS 2
$ npm org ls my\-org \-\-json
See what role a user has in an org:
.RS 2
$ npm org ls my\-org @mx\-santos
.SS Description
You can use the \fBnpm org\fP commands to manage and view users of an
organization\. It supports adding and removing users, changing their roles,
listing them, and finding specific ones and their roles\.
.SS Configuration
<!\-\- automatically generated, do not edit manually \-\->
<!\-\- see lib/utils/config/definitions\.js \-\->
.SS \fBregistry\fP
.RS 0
.IP \(bu 2
Default: "https://registry\.npmjs\.org/"
.IP \(bu 2
Type: URL
The base URL of the npm registry\.
<!\-\- automatically generated, do not edit manually \-\->
<!\-\- see lib/utils/config/definitions\.js \-\->
.SS \fBotp\fP
.RS 0
.IP \(bu 2
Default: null
.IP \(bu 2
Type: null or String
This is a one\-time password from a two\-factor authenticator\. It's needed
when publishing or changing package permissions with \fBnpm access\fP\|\.
If not set, and a registry response fails with a challenge for a one\-time
password, npm will prompt on the command line for one\.
<!\-\- automatically generated, do not edit manually \-\->
<!\-\- see lib/utils/config/definitions\.js \-\->
.SS \fBjson\fP
.RS 0
.IP \(bu 2
Default: false
.IP \(bu 2
Type: Boolean
Whether or not to output JSON data, rather than the normal output\.
.RS 0
.IP \(bu 2
In \fBnpm pkg set\fP it enables parsing set values with JSON\.parse() before
saving them to your \fBpackage\.json\fP\|\.
Not supported by all npm commands\.
<!\-\- automatically generated, do not edit manually \-\->
<!\-\- see lib/utils/config/definitions\.js \-\->
.SS \fBparseable\fP
.RS 0
.IP \(bu 2
Default: false
.IP \(bu 2
Type: Boolean
Output parseable results from commands that write to standard output\. For
\fBnpm search\fP, this will be tab\-separated table format\.
<!\-\- automatically generated, do not edit manually \-\->
<!\-\- see lib/utils/config/definitions\.js \-\->
.SS See Also
.RS 0
.IP \(bu 2
npm help using orgs
.IP \(bu 2
Documentation on npm Orgs \fIhttps://docs\.npmjs\.com/orgs/\fR