import requests import datetime from beaupy import * from beaupy.spinners import * from prettytable import PrettyTable from . import config ############ ## CONFIG ## ############ CLIENT_ID_API42 = config.CLIENT_ID_API42 CLIENT_SECRET_API42 = config.CLIENT_SECRET_API42 ENDPOINT_API42 = "" ############### ## FUNCTIONS ## ############### class EVENT: infos = dict() users = dict() def get_api_cred() -> str: payload = { 'grant_type' : 'client_credentials', 'client_id' : CLIENT_ID_API42, 'client_secret' : CLIENT_SECRET_API42 } r = + "/oauth/token", params=payload) if r.status_code != 200: print("Can't connect to 42API. Can't check if login are correct") exit(1) return (r.json()["access_token"]) def get_event_info_by_id(api_cred: str, id: str) -> dict: headers = { 'Authorization' : 'Bearer ' + api_cred } r = requests.get(ENDPOINT_API42 + "/v2/events/" + id, headers=headers) return (r.json()) def get_event_info_by_begin_date(api_cred: str, user_date: str, user_hour: str) -> dict: day, month, year = map(int, user_date.split('/')) hour, minute = map(int, user_hour.split(':')) iso_time = datetime.datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute).isoformat() headers = { 'Authorization' : 'Bearer ' + api_cred } r = requests.get(ENDPOINT_API42 + "/v2/events/?filter[begin_at]=" + iso_time, headers=headers) return (r.json()) def get_event_user(api_cred: str, id: str, nb_user: int) -> dict: headers = { 'Authorization' : 'Bearer ' + api_cred } page = 1 while nb_user > 0: r = requests.get(ENDPOINT_API42 + "/v2/events/" + str(id) + "/events_users?page[number]=" + str(page), headers=headers) data = r.json() for a in data: EVENT.users[a["user"]["usual_full_name"]] = a["user"] nb_user -= 30 page += 1 def print_user() -> None: t = PrettyTable() t.align = "l" t.field_names = ["Full name", "Email", "Link intra"] for user in EVENT.users.values(): t.add_row([user["displayname"], user["email"], f"{user['login']}"]) print(t) console.print("[blue]Retrieve stud who register to an event[/blue]") console.print("Do you want to search event by id or by date ?") search_choice = select(["By id", "By date"]) if "By id" in search_choice: id = prompt("Enter event id") EVENT.infos = get_event_info_by_id(get_api_cred(), id) elif "By date" in search_choice: console.print("[red]Warning ![/red] Date and hour must be UTC") date_entry = prompt("Enter begin_date of the event in DD/MM/YYYY format") hour_entry = prompt("Enter begin hour in HH:MM format") EVENT.infos = get_event_info_by_begin_date(get_api_cred(), date_entry, hour_entry)[0] console.clear() console.print("[blue]Event infos :[blue]") console.print(f"\t[green]Name:[/green] {EVENT.infos['name']}") console.print(f"\t[green]Participants:[/green] {EVENT.infos['nbr_subscribers']}/{EVENT.infos['max_people']}") console.print(f"\t[green]Begin at:[/green] {EVENT.infos['begin_at']}") console.print(f"\t[green]End at:[/green] {EVENT.infos['end_at']}") console.print("\n") if confirm("Is this the correct event ?"): spinner_animation = ['4️⃣ 2️⃣ 👌 ', '4️⃣ 2️⃣ 👌 ', '4️⃣ 2️⃣ 👌 ', '4️⃣ 2️⃣ 👌 ', '4️⃣ 2️⃣👌 ', '4️⃣ 2️⃣💩💩💩💩💩'] spinner = Spinner(spinner_animation, "Fetching 42API...") spinner.start() get_event_user(get_api_cred(), EVENT.infos["id"], EVENT.infos["nbr_subscribers"]) spinner.stop() print_user()